Islam and the West: A Dialog edited by
In this remarkable book, ten round table discussions in which American experts on Islam exchange views with Muslim intellectuals and activists. The result is a mind expanding demolition of the prevailing views of the relationship between Islam and the West. Western non-Muslims will learn that Muslims are not monolithic in their views and Eastern Muslims will learn that Westerners are not monolithic in their views. Both will learn that there are Muslims who are Westerners. American Muslims will see, finally, in print, an intelligent discussion of the common ground between Islam and American concepts of the rule of law. The Table of Contents and Dr. Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad's preface to the volume are reproduced below.
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Preface 7
Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
Introduction 11
Ahmad Yousef
Islamic Movements and Western Interests: Strategic
Graham Fuller
A Diplomatic Perspective on the Islamist Movement 39
Robert G. Neumann
Origins of Political Islamic Movements: A Western Perspective
Stephen C. Pelletiere
The Intersection of Islamic Resurgence and Democracy 95
Charles E. Butterworth
Islamic Movements at the End of the Twentieth Century: Where Now? 115
Michael C. Dunn
Islamist and Secular Regimes: Is Violence Inevitable? 153
Joyce Davis
Stability and Political Reform in North Africa 175
Louis Cantori
The Challenge to Liberal Modernity: Christianity, Islam, and
the Future 195
Antony T. Sullivan
A Quest for a Model for Conflict Resolution/Management in the Relations
Between the States and the Islamic Movements 215
I. William Zartman
Conclusions 246
Capsule Biographies of Roundtable Participants 248
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful,
For many years there has been a call from both Muslims and
for a dialog between the two. Scholars like John Esposito have
made the case that we need such a dialog, but until now little real
has taken place. Conferences too often consist of panels of
experts on Islam and representatives of the estab-lishment of Muslim
No non-Muslims, however objective and open-minded, can replace the
engagé in providing insight into the Islamic revival. Nor
can any establishment Muslim, however sincere in faith, substitute for
the critics of his establishment in explaining the Islamist cause.
The United Association for Studies and Research (UASR) series is
in its truly roundtable format, which allows Muslim intellectuals and
who identify themselves with the Islamic resurgence to speak to the
experts on an equal level. This constitutes a dialog in the true
sense. Such a format allows the experts to add a new dimension to
their understanding while at the same time giving the Muslims a more
perspective on the problems of communication with the West and
into how those problems may be overcome.
We desire that the benefits of these conversations extend be-yond the
room in which they were held and to provide a record to which all
in the study of the Islamic re-vival and its political dimension may
We are pleased that UASR and the American Muslim Foundation (AMF) have
undertaken the publication of the edited proceedings of these
and grateful to the Minaret of Freedom Institute (MFI) for sponsoring
editorial costs. Our objective is to make the contents and the
of the roundtables available to policymakers, scholars, journalists,
the general public.
Having moderated all but two of the discussions presented in this
I am particularly pleased that this first volume in what shall, in
Allah, be a series, is de-voted to an exchange of perspectives between
Muslims–both American and from the Muslim world–and
(We plan to focus the next volume in the series on regional assessments
of the Muslim world.) The fundamental problem confronted by the
revival in the West is the failure of Muslims to articulate their
standards, and concepts to Westerners in a language they can
Conversely, too few Muslims have had the opportunity to hear the frank
in-formed views of knowledgeable Western scholars in a setting
to themselves. By engaging first-class Western experts on Islam in a
dialog and publishing those results in a format at once accessible and
scholarly, we open the door to a fruitful and constructive relationship
between Muslims and Westerners in general.
The reader who explores these pages will walk away with the realization
that neither the Muslim world nor the West is monolithic. Our
are all Americans, but they range from conservative to liberal, from
to policymakers, from the academic community to the in-telligence
and to the media. One presenter is an analyst from an institute
at the U.S. Army War College while another is a fellow with the U.S.
for Peace. Muslim participants include an Islamic Salvation Front
(FIS) parliamentarian, Muslim journalists, presidents of Islamic think
tanks, and directors of Muslim advocacy groups. Most of the
are both Muslims and Americans. Brief biographies of all the
will be found in the list at the end of this volume.
The format for all discussions was the same: an opening presentation
by the featured speaker followed by a frank discussion with the
speaker at the hub. I served as moderator for all the discussions
in this volume except for those featuring Robert Neumann (moderated by
Osman Shinaishin) and Joyce Davis (moderated by Ahmad
The procedure for editing discussions for this volume was the same in
cases except one. The editors worked collaboratively with the
to revise the presenter’s typescript or the transcripts of the formal
into a final typescript. The editors worked directly from the
transcript to edit the main discussion. Wherever the final text
for inclusion has not been reviewed by the quoted participants, we have
used brackets and/or ellipsis marks to indicate all but minor
The goal was to make the text as readable as possible while remaining
to the style and senti-ments of the participants.
The one exception to the above procedure is the roundtable with Stephen
Pelletiere. Due to the presenter’s affiliation with the
community we agreed not to tape the discussion. Instead, the
he covered have been taken from his previously published text “A Theory
of Fundamentalism: An Inquiry into the Origin and Development of the
(Carlisle Barracks, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 1995) which we
adapted and abridged to cover the subject of the roundtable.
no transcript of the open discussion was possible, a series of comments
and questions put to Dr. Pelletiere in writing along with his responses
have been appended to the text here in the same format as the
which follow the other presentations.
Despite the range of perspectives covered in this volume, there
are certain themes that keep returning as a subtext, occasionally
at the center of the discussions. Among them: the relationship of
politics and religion; the positive and negatives aspects of the
the degree to which “Western” or “Islamic” values may actually be
values; the multifarious definitions of democracy and how they conflict
with each other; the fact that conflicts within the West or the Muslim
world may actually be more significant than conflicts between them; the
problems posed by the systemic ten-dency of politicians to sacrifice
long-term best interests of their people and country to short-term
the suggestion that the real conflict in the future may be not between
the Western and Islamic cultures but between secular culture and
culture of whatever denomi-nation. Not a few of these issues have
significance beyond the scope of the immediate subject matter of Islam
and the West. I believe that readers who carefully explore the
that follows will be well rewarded.
The present format is one of frank, direct, face-to-face dialog among
participants with both a wide range of views and a solid knowledge of
subject matter. We be-lieve this format brings out the
and shadings of thought within both the Western and the Muslim camps
clearly and reliably than can be found in any previous single
We want Westerners to understand the Islamic movement and Muslims to
the West. We also want the inclusion of American Muslims in the
to be a reminder of the intersection of the two cultures. If we have
even partially in these goals, all praise belongs to God. If we
fallen short, the re-sponsibility is ours. We ask God to judge us
by our inten-tions and forgive us our faults.
Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
Minaret of Freedom Institute
Bethesda, Maryland
May, 1998